Earnings Disclaimer

At Khetlaji Namkeen Planet , any statements or examples of earnings, sales, or income shared by us are solely estimates of potential outcomes. We do not guarantee or promise specific results or income from our products, services, or business opportunities.
All income examples provided are for illustrative purposes only and should not be interpreted as guarantees of success. Results may vary significantly based on numerous factors, including your skills, experience, location, business practices, market conditions, and efforts.
We make no assurances that prior successes or results achieved by others can be replicated by you. Individual performance depends on various elements beyond our control, and success in any business carries inherent risks.
Any claims, representations, or testimonials presented by us are not average outcomes and are not intended to imply that you will achieve similar results. You are responsible for conducting your own research and seeking advice from qualified professionals, such as accountants or legal advisors, before making decisions based on our products or services.
By engaging with Khetlaji Namkeen Planet, you acknowledge and accept that we are not liable for any financial outcomes resulting from your use of our products or services. Your success relies solely on your actions, abilities, and business decisions.